SJ Fuerst,梦想作品,2018,布面油画,117x137厘米。礼貌的艺术家
SJ Fuerst,梦想作品,2018,布面油画,117x137厘米。礼貌的艺术家




“富尔斯特的超现实画作是如此惊人地栩栩如生,他们会让你向上帝发誓,他们只是假装没有看见你。” - 佛罗伦萨沃克,GQ


题为森林新鲜,展览由11幅不同地缩放的油画,在软盘上的相同培养基中执行草图沿。Playing off the exhibition’s title, which takes its name from one of the works in the show, the artist will create a walk through installation made up of sixteen undecorated, artificial Christmas trees, along with an audio soundtrack of birdsong and pine scented air-fresheners.

SJ Fuerst说:“当参观者进入画廊的时候,我希望他们感觉自己已经离开了现实,走进了我的一幅画中,这是一个超现实的但真实的世界,是由大量人工制作的大自然。”我觉得这有点像时装设计师为他们的t台秀搭建精致的布景。时装秀是关于服装的,但它们为观众创造了一种梦幻和身临其境的氛围,让观众更好地体验和理解它们的服装。”


在其他作品中,大规模制造的商品和时装模特被转化成幽默,仿古典tableaus。For example, in Daphne After Apollo (2016), the artist has taken inspiration from the stories of Greek mythology, depicting a model encased in a car air-freshener in the shape of a tree in reference to the naiad Daphne’s transformation into a tree to escape the pursuits of the god Apollo. In another work, Circe from Homer’s Odyssey (2017), a central figure sits waiting for Odysseus surrounded by inflatable pigs and a tiger. Meanwhile, The David (2019), Fuerst’s most recent work, explores religion and sexism through the use of a swimsuit and cardboard cut-outs, referencing both Michelangelo’s David and Sandro Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus.


莉莉Agius说:“在这个惊人的作品,SJ Fuerst展品不仅娴熟的设施组成和绘画风格,但也令人信服的故事在一系列问题上,包括性别歧视、消费主义和环境保护主义,她那充满睿智和激情的观察通过经典的面纱和超现实主义的艺术。”
